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Earth Education: Our Sustainable Curriculum

Before and After School Programs

Summer Programs
Small children at school
Before and After School

Early Morning Care
Early Morning Care which starts at 7:30 am, is available for Children’s House, Lower Elementary or Upper Elementary students who arrive regularly at school before 8:15 am.

For students in the Middle School, the Middle School Director should be notified of the need for early arrival. MS students who arrive early should go directly to the Library, where they will be able to work independently until one of their teachers arrives and opens the classroom. (There is no additional charge for MS students arriving early.)

After Care
Students enrolled in Children’s House through Middle School may enroll in our After Care Program, Monday though Friday, 3:00 – 5:30 pm. Snack is provided. Note that, in addition to After Care, some students may be eligible to enroll in Drama, Music and Sports programs (see below).

Ancillary Programs: Drama, Music and Sports
The sports program after school is designed to meet the needs of our Upper Elementary and Middle School students, and includes soccer, basketball and, in the spring, multi sport.

Dramatic arts activities are scheduled based on student interest and this year will include two productions of "Twelfth Night", for grades 2-4 and grades 5-8. Other productions have included "A Midsummer Night's Dream," "The Snow Queen," and "The Magical Land of Oz."

The After School Music Program includes instruction on a variety of musical instruments, including guitar, piano, drums, trumpet, trombone and French Horn, for students age 6 and up. For students in grade 5 and above, Upper School Voices offers the opportunity to sing with a group of dedicated, enthusiastic voices. This year, Upper School Voices is meeting before school.

 ©2010 Stoneridge Children's Montessori School | 290 Hale St. Beverly Ma 01915 | Serving the North Shore MA Greater Area