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The Annual Fund

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The Annual Fund

Like most independent schools in the country, Stoneridge Children’s Montessori School relies on significant, voluntary support from its constituents through the Annual Fund. The Annual Fund is a solicitation campaign undertaken every year to support the school’s operating budget. Almost all aspects of teaching and learning at Stoneridge Children's Montessori School, the very hallmarks that distinguish the independent school experience, depend on support from the Annual Fund.

Beginning in early October, appeals are sent to parents, grandparents, alumni and other friends of the school. Parent volunteers contact other parents aiming for 100% participation of current school families. A similar program to have alumni contact their classmates and grandparents contact each other is in the formative stages for the current school year.

While the Annual Fund Committee is willing to entertain a donor's wish to restrict a gift for a particular purpose or program, donors are strongly encouraged to make unrestricted gifts, which give the School the greatest freedom to direct resources to those program areas they know to be most in need.

The school has a consistent tradition of generous gifts to the Annual Fund. For the 2010-2011 school year, we seek to meet or exceed our Annual Fund goal of $130,000.

 ©2010 Stoneridge Children's Montessori School | 290 Hale St. Beverly Ma 01915 | Serving the North Shore MA Greater Area